The comprehensive motor policy accessories whilst thereon arising from the following:

  1. By accidental collision or overturning consequent upon mechanical breakdown or consequent upon wear and tear.
  2. By fire, external explosion, self-ignition, lighting, burglary, housebreaking or theft.
  3. By Malicious act.
  4. Whilst in transit including the processes of loading and unloading incidental to such transit by road, rail, inland waterway, lift or elevator.

In addition to the above, the policy will also compensate your organization in the event of accident caused by or arising out of the use of the motor vehicle against all sums including claimant’s costs and expenses, which you shall become legally liable to pay in respect of:

Death of or bodily injury to any person except where such death or injury arises out of and in the course of the employment of such person by the insured and excluding liability to any person being a staff of your organization who is a passenger in the vehicle unless such person is being carried by reason of or pursuance of a contract of employment.

Damage to property other than property belonging to the organization or held in trust by you or in your custody or control.

RATE OF PREMIUM:  5% of value.

OTHER AVAILABLE FEATURE:  It will interest you to know that we provide tracking device as a special feature to all insured cars or vehicles insured with us on comprehensive bases FREE OF CHARGE provided the vehicle is above N2 Million.

While trusting the above would meet your requirement, we look forward to your approval to enable us offer you this cover, which we believe, would be highly beneficial to you

success rate
1 %
Custom Options
1 +
Travel Support
1 /7
Insurance Cases
1 +

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